Good product descriptions should sell. If they are written in the right way, are specific and show benefits and not only features of the product – they are effective. Product descriptions are one of the least appreciated ways to increase sales, while we often do not realise it. Not paying attention to their content, we put everything we think we need. We think that by including keywords and frequently searched phrases we create the perfect description – not necessarily! Product description should not be created with google robots in mind, but people – after all, they are the customers, they make purchases. Potential customers care about reliable information about the product.
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How to write a good description?
On the surface it may seem that knowing the industry we are able to create a great product description that will encourage people to buy. Not necessarily. No product description is easy to create – regardless of whether it’s a unique product or one that’s widely available on the market. When we create a description for new products, we have to set ourselves up to come up with a whole philosophy for them and convince the reader that they cannot do without it, even though they have succeeded so far.
It would seem that products available on the market are much easier to describe. Not necessarily. The worst practice that can be undertaken is to copy descriptions from the manufacturer’s website and paste them on the shop’s page. Firstly – it is not legal, secondly – you can be more creative! If you sell the same product as the competition, you can convince the customer with the description.
So how to create descriptions that comply with SEO rules and at the same time are useful for the user?
If you deal with the world of e-commerce on a daily basis, you have probably heard more than once about creating a profile of a potential customer. It is worth putting it into practice because it is very effective. The fact is that everyone who owns a business would like to sell as much as possible and earn as much as possible. However, you should be aware that not every user is a customer. To create the best description, you must first carefully analyse your target audience. Get to know their tastes, habits and how they live and what exactly they need. It’s worth creating a picture of an example customer first. This will allow you to adapt your language and writing to your audience.
Remember that if you don’t feel up to it, it’s a good idea to enlist the help of professionals. Turn to a professional e-commerce agency, which will not only take care of selecting the right content, but will also be able to make a number of improvements to the site, using tools and systems such as Vue JS programming, PIM Akeneo or Shopify.
Mistakes when creating descriptions
One of the most common mistakes is when we focus only on the individual features of the product, leaving out such an important aspect as the benefits. These are the ones that customers are most interested in. So before you start writing your product, it’s a good idea to create a list of features you want to draw attention to and match them with the benefits associated with them. In this way you will not only enrich the product page with reliable information, but also motivate the customer to buy by highlighting the benefits.