A new feature called Search Query Performance is available in Seller Central if you have a brand registered with Brand Registry (SQP). Data on search volume, click-through rate, add to cart rate, purchase rate, and other metrics are provided by Amazon SQP to give you insights into how well your brand is performing for specific search terms. It is always advised to know about helium 10 vs jungle scout.
We were interested in evaluating the accuracy of the Keyword Scout tool from Jungle Scout and the Magnet tool from Helium 10 in comparison to Amazon SQP. Feeling secure in your choices for your Amazon business comes from having the most accurate alignment with Amazon SQP. You can exaggerate or underestimate the demand for your items if you rely on erroneous data.
We observed that Keyword Scout’s keyword tool was significantly more accurate than Helium 10’s keyword tool when we compared the monthly keyword search volume statistics from each tool to the search volume Amazon gives in SQP. According to Helium 10 and Keyword Scout, there was, on average, a -58.38% disparity between the search volume reported by Amazon and actual search traffic.
Make careful to consider the data’s accuracy when selecting a solution for your Amazon business. Investing in a product that doesn’t have the demand you thought it had may result if a tool consistently overestimates the search volume for your keywords.
Features: Helium 10 vs. Jungle Scout
Whatever you want to call them—features, tools, capabilities—we want to make sure you can perform the following crucial things to support the success of your Amazon business. Everything you see here (and more) is included in the package at no extra charge because both Jungle Scout and Helium 10 provide all features in a single product. If automating PPC is your only priority or you want to use the all-in-one Amazon seller tool on a mobile device, Jungle Scout has more (and more comprehensive) features and capabilities than Helium 10.
User comparison of Helium 10 with Jungle Scout
Even though both Jungle Scout and Helium 10 aim to assist a seller in completing a comparable activity, they clearly offer different user interfaces and experiences. For instance, you will now see the new Home Dashboard when you first sign into Jungle Scout, which includes sales widgets to provide you a fast snapshot of how your Amazon business performed over the previous 7 days.
High-level information including total sales, total profits, and units sold, ROI, net margin, and more will be provided to sellers. When investigating your next product concept, you may rapidly select the parameters you’re looking for using the UI of Jungle Scout, which offers a wealth of useful filters.
After you click search, the website is filled with hundreds of items that you can explore more. The Product Database will provide the precise criteria you are looking for together with the net price, fees, and the choice to add to the Product Tracker in a single click as you navigate through the search results.