A zero-trust approach to community security, devices with limited authentication features and visibility on the community can pose a problem to general network security. The Misty II Enhanced Edition has

A zero-trust approach to community security, devices with limited authentication features and visibility on the community can pose a problem to general network security. The Misty II Enhanced Edition has all the hardware and capabilities of the Standard Edition, plus an upgraded 820 processor. The Enhanced Edition options an Open-Q™ 820Pro µSOM (which replaces the Open-Q™ 820 µSOM used in the Standard Edition). This upgrade improves Misty’s response time by about 10% throughout CPU-intensive tasks , and permits Misty to cover a much larger house during a single mapping session. You can create an audio configuration file on Misty’s 820 processor to change the robotic’s default wake word from “Hey, Misty” to “Hey, Snapdragon”.

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You can find the full listing of those instructions and occasion types in the documentation for the DisableCameraService command. To enable the hazards system to work effectively, Misty’s max velocity is limited to ~450 mm/s. This is the very best velocity at which Misty can safely detect most ledges and stop moving, with out being carried over the edge by any built-up momentum. The hazards system shall be enhanced in future updates to allow for increased performance and to increase Misty’s default max velocity.

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Drew Savanna

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